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mu_aloha_platforms Porting Guide.


⚠ Do not try it on Google devices, Sony devices or Samsung devices.

The Guide has 4 parts.

  1. Introduce some directories and files.
  2. Early porting and tests.
  3. Try to boot windows and test UFS & USB.
  4. Patch binaries.

Part 0. Introduce some directories and files.

  • We only need to know few directories and files under Platform/SurfaceDuo1Pkg/
    ~/mu-msmnile$ tree Platforms/SurfaceDuo1Pkg/ -L 2 -d
    |-- AcpiTables
    |   |-- 8150
    |   |-- CustomizedACPI
    |   `-- Include
    |-- Device
    |   |-- asus-I001DC
    |   |-- kakao-pine
    |   |-- lg-alphaplus
    |   |-- lg-betalm
    |   |-- lg-flashlmdd
    |   |-- lg-mh2lm
    |   |-- lg-mh2lm5g
    |   |-- meizu-m928q
    |   |-- nubia-tp1803
    |   |-- oneplus-guacamole
    |   |-- oneplus-hotdog
    |   |-- samsung-beyond1qlte
    |   |-- xiaomi-andromeda
    |   |-- xiaomi-cepheus
    |   |-- xiaomi-hercules
    |   |-- xiaomi-nabu
    |   |-- xiaomi-raphael
    |   `-- xiaomi-vayu
    |-- Driver
    |   |-- GpioButtons
    |   `-- KernelErrataPatcher
    |-- FdtBlob
    |-- Include
    |   |-- Configuration
    |   |-- Library
    |   `-- Resources
    |-- Library
    |   |-- MemoryInitPeiLib
    |   |-- MsPlatformDevicesLib
    |   |-- PlatformPeiLib
    |   |-- PlatformPrePiLib
    |   |-- PlatformThemeLib
    |   `-- RFSProtectionLib
    |-- PatchedBinaries
    `-- PythonLibs
    • AcpiTables/
      • Stores ACPI tables.
    • Device/
      • Stores each device's specific binaries and configurations.
      • The subfolder's name should be brand-codename.
    • Driver/
      • Stores uefi drivers.
    • FdtBlob/
      • Contains SurfaceDuo's flat device tree blob.
    • Include/
      • Contains C headers.
    • Library/
      • Contains libs the drivers need.
    • PatchedBinaries/
      • Contains patched binaries for SurfaceDuo1.
    • PythonLibs/
      • Stores python libs.
  • Let's take a closer look at Device/nubia-tp1803.
    ~/mu-msmnile/Platforms/SurfaceDuo1Pkg/Device$ tree -L 1  nubia-tp1803/
    ├── ACPI
    ├── Binaries
    ├── DeviceTreeBlob
    ├── Library
    ├── PatchedBinaries
    • ACPI/
      • Stores device's dsdt table.
    • Binaries/
      • Stores device's firmware binaries.
    • PatchedBinaries/
      • As its name, it stores patched binaries for the device.
    • Library/
      • Put device specific Library
    • DeviceTreeBlob/
      • Put device tree blob
        • In subdir Linux stores mainline linux dtb, file name must be linux-codename.dtb
        • In subdir Android store Android dtb, file name must be android-codename.dtb
      • Load Order of Dxe
      • Included by SurfaceDuo1.fdf
    • DXE.dsc
      • Declare Drivers
      • Included by SurfaceDuo1.fdf
      • Declare Drivers
      • Included by SurfaceDuo1.dsc
      • Included by SurfaceDuo1.dsc.
      • Stores device specific pcds. (e.g Screen resolution)

Part 1. Early porting and tests.

  • For example, porting uefi for meizu 16T.
    1. Search for its code name: m928q.
    2. Copy oneplus-guacamole/ to meizu-m928q/. (brand-codename).
    3. Remove all files under meizu-m928q/Binaries & meizu-m928q/PatchedBinaries.
    4. Extract files from your device's xbl and put them under Binaries.
      • Download and compile UefiReader
      • Connect your phone to your computer and execute the command on your computer.
        adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/by-name/xbl_a of=/sdcard/xbl.img"
        adb pull /sdcard/xbl.img .
      • Execute UefiReader.exe <Path-to-xbl.img> <Path-to-output-folder>
      • Put output into meizu-m928q/Binaries.
    5. Edit ${brand-codename}/, ${brand-codename}/, ${brand-codename}/
      • See the difference by diff
        $ diff meizu-m928q/Binaries/ oneplus-guacamole/Binaries/ 
        < INF QcomPkg/Drivers/SimpleTextInOutSerialDxe/SimpleTextInOutSerial.inf
        < FILE FREEFORM = A91D838E-A5FA-4138-825D-455E23030795 {
        <     SECTION UI = "logo2_ChargingMode.bmp"
        <     SECTION RAW = RawFiles/logo2_ChargingMode.bmp
        < }
      • So you have to edit Raw Files part in ${brand-codename}/ and add SimpleTextInOutSerial in ${brand-codename}/ and ${brand-codename}/
      • If SimpleTextInOutSerial is also set in Binaries/, you need to add it into ${brand-codename}/
    6. Enable MLVM in (FALSE -> TRUE)
    7. Edit resolution in
    8. Patch your device's dxe and put them under PatchedBinaries/.
    9. Replace android-guacamole.dtb with android-m928q.dtb (you can find your device's dtb in /sys/firmware/fdt, or see Additions)
    10. Replace linux-guacamole.dtb with linux-m928q.dtb.(if you do not have, create a dummy one by touch linux-m928q.dtb)
    11. Build it.
    12. Test it.
      • Connect your phone to your computer and execute it on your computer.
        adb reboot bootloader
        fastboot boot Build/meizu-m928q/meizu-m928q.img
  • Your device will enter UEFI Shell if porting success.
  • What if it stacks, reboots or crashes ?
    • See part 3 and patch your device's firmware binaries, or contact us.

Part 2. Try to boot windows.

The DSDT for guacamole is the basic DSDT. It only contains USB & UFS.

  • Setup Windows PE environment on your device.
  • Try to boot into Windows PE.
  • What if it stacks, reboots or crashes ?
    • Check MemoryMap (brand-codename/Library/PlatformMemoryMapLib/PlatformMemoryMapLib.c).
    • Check DeviceConfigurationMap (brand-codename/Configuration/DeviceConfigurationMap.h).
    • Check HAS_MLVM in, if windows hangs up at boot, try to set it to TRUE.
  • Usb not working with external power supply?
    • Patch firmware binaries. It will boot into PE if porting success.

Part 3. Patch binaries.

  • Which binary needs Patch ?
    • If your phone stack while loading PILDxe, patch UFSDxe.
    • If your phone can not connect with PC via KDNET, or USB not working in windows(with externel power), patch UsbConfigDxe.
    • If your phone can not use button at uefi stage, please patch ButtonsDxe.
  • Where to patch ?
    • The most simple way to know where to patch:
      • Find one other device's original xxxDxe.efi and its patched xxxDxe.efi .
      • Dump hex and get where & what to patch.
        hexdump -C a_xxxDxe.efi > a.txt
        hexdump -C b_xxxDxe.efi > b.txt
        diff a.txt b.txt
        • Example:
          • UFSDxe.efi (nabu):
          ~/mu-msmnile/Platforms/SurfaceDuo1Pkg/Device/xiaomi-nabu$ diff a.txt b.txt 
          < 000025f0  00 00 80 52 c0 03 5f d6  fd 7b 03 a9 fd c3 00 91  |...R.._..{......|
          > 000025f0  ff 03 01 d1 f4 4f 02 a9  fd 7b 03 a9 fd c3 00 91  |.....O...{......|
          < 00004710  20 00 80 52 c0 03 5f d6  fd 43 00 91 e8 7b 00 32  | ..R.._..C...{.2|
          > 00004710  ff 83 00 d1 fd 7b 01 a9  fd 43 00 91 e8 7b 00 32  |.....{...C...{.2|
    • How to patch ?
      • Now you know the difference addr is 0x000025f0 and 0x00004710.
      • Open the two efi files in IDA (or other tools), find the function near 0x000025f0 and 0x00004710.
      • See which instructions were modified.
      • Open your device's xxxDxe.efi in IDA.
      • Find the same function(s).
      • Apply the same patch for your device's xxxDxe.efi .
      • Put the patched binaries under PatchedBinaries/.
      • Check and for the paths to your device's patched binaries.


  • How to get dtb of my device? assume in termux environment
    • Download Magiskboot. (Prebuilt)
    • Get boot image from your phone.
      sudo cp /dev/block/by-name/boot ~/split-appended-dtb/myboot.img
    • Split dtb from you phone's boot.
      ./magiskboot_arm unpack myboot.img
    • Renamed kernel_dtb(or dtb) to android-codename.dtb and put it into Device/<brand-codename>/DeviceTreeBlob/Android/.
  • Should MLVM always be TRUE?
    • In early test you can set it to TRUE to avoid MLVM issue.
    • If you can boot windows, turn it to FALSE and have a try.
    • Set MLVM to TRUE will occupy about 300MB Ram.

Don't forget to add your device and maintainer into README.
Thanks for your hard works.