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Apply DualBoot with DualBoot Kernel Patcher

This guide will help you build a boot image with uefi/android dualboot feature.


  • An android device.
  • Download UEFI FD file from Github Action(You may need to login to download artifacts) or Release Page of uefi repository.
  • Magiskboot for your environment, there are prebuilt binaries on github.
  • DualBoot kernel patcher binary and shellcode binaries for your devices from release page or action page.

:::Notice All these steps can be done on your android device. :::


Assume you have done the following steps on your android device.

  1. Root your device with magisk.
  2. Downloaded and installed termux.
  3. Installed root-repo and tsu in termux with apt.
  • Get Android Boot Image.

    • The boot image usually can be found at /dev/block/by-name/boot or /dev/block/by-name/boot_a (or _b).
    • Open your termux, and copy the boot image out for future use.
    tsu                             # get root shell
    mkdir /sdcard/dualboot/         # create a folder to put files.
    cp /dev/block/by-name/boot /sdcard/dualboot/boot.img  # copy to our folder and rename to boot.img. If your device has ab slot, please add _a or _b suffix.
  • Unpack it with magiskboot.

    • If your device was rooted by magisk, there should be an magiskboot binary at /data/adb/magisk/magiskboot
    • By the way you can press the tab button in termux to automatically fill path, instead of typing the characters one by one.
    • Do Unpack
    cd /sdcard/dualboot/            # change working directory to our folder.
    /data/adb/magisk/magiskboot unpack boot.img # unpack
    • You will get something like this:
    /sdcard/dualboot# magiskboot unpack boot.img
    Parsing boot image: [boot.img]
    HEADER_VER      [1]
    KERNEL_SZ       [41576325]
    RAMDISK_SZ      [927736]
    SECOND_SZ       [0]
    RECOV_DTBO_SZ   [0]
    OS_VERSION      [9.0.0]
    OS_PATCH_LEVEL  [2021-05]
    PAGESIZE        [4096]
    NAME            []
    CMDLINE         [console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 earlycon=msm_geni_serial,0xa90000 androidboot.hardware=qcom androidboot.console=ttyMSM0 androidboot.memcg=1 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 video=vfb:640x400,bpp=32,memsize=3072000 msm_rtb.filter=0x237 service_locator.enable=1 swiotlb=2048 firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware_mnt/image loop.max_part=7 androidboot.usbcontroller=a600000.dwc3 buildvariant=user]
    CHECKSUM        [e73518a6e1edf3062d9cebd3203a51069ef2f424000000000000000000000000]
    KERNEL_DTB_SZ   [3972965]
    KERNEL_FMT      [raw]
    RAMDISK_FMT     [raw]
    /sdcard/dualboot# ls
    boot  kernel  kernel_dtb  ramdisk.cpio
  • Apply patch with dualboot kernel patcher.

    • Assume the patcher and shellcodes and config you downloaded above was saved at /sdcard/Download/
    • Unpack these zips:
    unzip /sdcard/Download/